Lebanon, Mongolia, and Sri Lanka – Part of My Asian Wish List in Videos

This month I provided a Taste of Asia on the site. I published stories and photos from my adventures in a few Asian countries. But Asia is massive. Huge. And there is so much more left to see, and so much more I want to explore.

At times, when researching potential trips or destinations, I read blogs, read magazine articles (yes, I still do), and I also enjoy watching videos.

Below I attached three videos from places I want to visit in Asia. There are more than three, yes, but these three will give you a chance to see the cultural diversity and understand the size of Asia. Enjoy the taste.


Watch more Byblos videos at tripfilms.com

Lebanon. At times, you can forget the country is even considered part of Asia. Yet, this part of the world has its roots mixed in many cultures.  Byblos is one of the oldest still inhabitated cities in the world and this short one minute video provides look at the ruins of the city.

A trip here would also include a chance to head down to the city of Beruit. I here good things about that city’s resurgence.


Watch more Ulaanbaatar videos at tripfilms.com

Mongolia. If I published bucket list (and I plan to), at the very top you would read “Mongolia.” A journey deep into Asia to ride horseback across the Mongolian Plains. To gallop like Ghangis. To ride across the wilderness and vast nothingness is the dream.

Tripfilms didn’t have a video of just horseback riding (an opportunity), but I thought this video provided a proper insight to many of the majestic Mongolian landscapes a trip to the country would include.

Sri Lanka

Watch more Colombo videos at tripfilms.com

India is on my list, but so is Sri Lanka.  A country once in conflict for a generation, now seems to be at peace and hungry for visitors searching for adventure. The destination offers exotic and exquisite cuisine (not shown in video) , pristine beaches (some surf too), lush tropical jungles, and a chance to explore and learn about ancient cultures. Sounds great to me.

Again, these are just three of the many cultures and countries I look forward to visiting in Asia. Let me know, if you have any recommendations or where your dreams want to take you in Asia.

stay adventurous, Craig

This post is part of the August Taste of Asia series.

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  • http://www.theplanetd.com Dave and Deb

    I agree, Asia is huge and there are so many places still left to see. We’ve been to Sri Lanka and Mongolia and both are at the top of our favourite countries. We are actually in Mongolia right at this very moment and love it and the people. We have heard nothing but amazing things about Lebanon and hope to get there in the near future.

    • http://www.stayadventurous.com Craig Zabransky

      Dave & Deb, glad to hear from such seasoned travelers that the wish list is one of some pretty good locations. Glad you are enjoying Mongolia, that still tops my list. Perhaps one day I”ll do the Mongol Rally myself.

      stay adventurous, Craig