Sunset Sunday – Sunset on the Arno River in Florence, Italy

This week, we head to Florence Italy to view an August sunset on the Arno River. A friend and fellow travel blogger describes her moment in this week’s guest post. Enjoy her words and moment:

I didn’t have much time in Florence. In and out. How could two short days be enough to see all the late-medieval and Renaissance art and architecture that the city is known for? If you wear comfortable shoes and sleep next to nothing, it might be possible.

With little time to waste, my husband and I dropped off our bags at a hotel near the train station and headed towards the historic center. Since it was August – possibly the busiest time to visit – we decided to explore lesser-known sites during the day and see the popular ones later, when they might be less crowded.

sunset on the Arno River in Florence, Italy

As luck had it, Florence’s famous bridge, Ponte Vecchio, was still filled with people in the early evening. Not willing to miss the sunset over the Arno River, I was determined to find a good viewing spot. All it took was, surprisingly, turning from the bridge onto a street that ran along the river, just a few feet away. Relieved, I leaned against the railing and reached for my camera. I stayed until you could no longer see the sun over the buildings in the distance.

-Pola Henderson

Happy Sunset Sunday.

Pola Henderson is the founder and editor of Jetting Around: City Travel Blog. A native of Krakow, she has called Chicago home since 2002. When not busy in her 9-5 job, Pola ventures out to explore cities and their culture. She can also be found on twitter @jettingaround

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