Sunset Sunday – A Tulum Sunrise for the New Era in the Mayan World

The sun rose on December 21st; the world didn’t end.  Some feared the end with the “end” of the Mayan Calendar in 2012, but others welcomed it as a new era began.  So to celebrate, honor, and welcome this shift in time, I wanted to share a rare (for me) sunrise (instead of a sunset) I captured on the beaches of Tulum in the Riviera Maya of Mexico.

I enjoyed this moment less than 2 kilometers from the Mayan Ruins site. (I also captured a sunset in Tulum from the same beach)

a mayan sunrise from tulum, mexico

I wish everyone a happy new era based on the Mayan Calendar and also, have a Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays).

Stay adventurous, Craig


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  • Mary J. McCoy-Dressel

    Merry Christmas to you, Craig. Beautiful shot of the sunset from the beach.

    • craig zabransky

      And to you too Mary. stay adventurous, Craig

  • Maria Falvey

    Happy new era to you as well and what a great way to end you time there, both the date and the shot!

    • craig zabransky

      Thanks Maria, all the best in this new time…stay adventurous, Craig

  • Andi Perullo, L.Ac.

    Happy Holidays!!!!

    • craig zabransky

      likewise. stay adventurous in 2013, Craig

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