Africa was once labeled the “dark continent,” because so much was unknown, or rather unknown to us. I am not sure it is any more unknown or remote when compared with destinations in Asia or South America, but I can say that much of the region is unknown to me (and maybe you too?)
My recent travels opened my eyes to the continent and ignited a desire to return. The continent contains an energy, a rawness. Many people now call their travel to this once ‘dark continent’ the trip of the life time, and after my recent adventures, I can understand why. In fact, I used the same words when drafting All Africa – All August posts.
Now, one area that intrigues me is “West Africa.” Numerous countries make up the coastline down from Morocco all the way to South Africa. These places don’t often make the list of “popular African destinations” for most travelers to Africa, but for others it seems to be essential Africa. True Africa.
So, I decided to explore myself, and view what other film makers wanted to show. (Yes, I am working on a few films myself). Take a look. Enjoy, some I discovered on TripFilms.
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I followed the backpackers Amateurs in Africa during their adventure across Africa last year. We connected via twitter and I watched and read most of their stories from their epic adventure. I selected “Camerooned” this video displays a sense of “endless summer” charm which you enjoy the travelers, and also because it shows you so much about the Cameroon in under 5 minutes.
Yapei queen across Lake Volta.
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After the US World Cup defeat to Ghana, I wondered about the country even more. So I searched TripFilms to find a video to take me on a journey inside the country. I don’t normally watch 7 minute videos, but this Lake journey seemed to warrant a viewing. I am glad I did.
Mali and Burkina Faso.
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I selected this video, because at under 3 minutes it’s a perfect viewing length, and it provides an energetic view into an African adventure. The music soundtrack and style earn style points and really deliver an essence that seems to be West Africa.
Well, let me know your thoughts…
stay adventurous, Craig
this post is part of the All Africa – All April (Almost) Series... Yes, it is a little late, but if you traveled through Africa, you’d understand.