Sunset Sunday – Rustenburg, South Africa

This Sunday the sun sets for the last time at the World Cup tournament. Tonight a new champion will be crowned as Spain squares off with Holland. Unfortunately, it will not be the USA (again), but my experience at the World Cup will stay with me for a long time. From the vuvuzela vibrations, to writing a new USA chant, I soaked up the incredible energy that filled a country and a continent.

But still, who will win it?

If I use my own Sunday Sunset as a guide (not the Octopus) it would be a 1-1 draw. On prior Sundays I posted sunset images from the canal in Amsterdam and also the beach of  San Sebastian, Spain. But today we will have a winner.


Yet, I truly believe the tournament is more than winners and losers.  This tournament unites people, it unites nations, it even unites humanity. It is something really special. Amazing actually. And to mark this special occasion, I decided to share an image from Rustenburg, South Africa taken during one of my moments at the World Cup.

A USA flag during sunset at the world cup match in rustenburg, south africa

a fan walks with his flag to cheer on U-S-A

On the evening on June 12th, 2010 when we packed up our tailgate I took this photo of a fan heading to the match as the sun set behind the mountains. That night the USA started its world cup campaign with a draw with a 1-1 against England.

So, Happy Sunset Sunday to all the football (soccer) fans from all across the globe who will be enjoying the final tonight. A final played in Soccer City (not Football City), South Africa.

stay adventurous, Craig

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