Discovering the Blue Zones – Staying Adventurous Ep 74

Episode 74 seems like a high number, but it is not when discussing age in Blue Zones, places where people normally can live into their 90s while many reach 100. What are the secrets of the “Blue Zones?”

Much research has been done, through books, articles, and even a netflix documentary to understand what makes these places special. As a traveler I notice many of these zone are located in prime tourist locations and after traveling close by to many of them I start to noticed these are places I want to visit again and again.So listen in.


Cave beach-karia-title

You will discover in this episode we will explore two of them, one located in Greece, the other Costa Rica.

I discovered these locations are places we want to visit on our holidays. But what else can we learn? Let’s find through two interviews lined up and also our normal segments – the staying adventurous mindset moment and the top 3 travel tips plus more. Much more.

read all about the blue zone diet and recipes

Staying Adventurous Podcast Show Notes

Stay Adventurous | Stay Luxurious Content

Greece Stories

fiesta cultural event in ikaria greece

Costa Rica



Blue Zone Resources

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