Sunset Sunday 2014 Video Recap (Jan-April)

Sunset Sunday continues to showcase sunsets from around the world. In this year’s first tri-annual sunset video recap we already see one of the 2014 goals starting to be accomplished. We can see the Sunset Map of the World add new countries  with two images from South America.

oceanside sunset in the upper florida keys

sunset moment shared with my mom

Additionally, the Sunset Series reached a most impressive milestone – it’s 200th sunset. Yes, 200 hundred Sundays and 200 hundred sunsets here on Stay Adventurous. To see a complete list of all the destination included, please see the list of sunsets.

Happy Mother’s Day

Well this week, I want to give a special thanks  to my Mom, who not only shares my affinity and appreciation of the sunset, but also helps create (or really makes) the Sunset video recaps you see now every four months. I look forward to sharing many more sunset moments with you Mom. Happy Mother’s Day, I look forward to more sunsets moments together.

stay adventurous, Craig



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  • Francesca

    Awww, how cute… working on the Sunset Sunday series with your mom :-) You both did a great job with this video recap!

    • craig zabransky

      Stay Cute…. thanks Francesca, es un placer working with my Mom. I am very fortunate to have her as my Mum.
      Stay appreciative, Craig

  • Bill

    wonderful compilation

    • craig zabransky

      Thanks Bill, still waiting to add your Sunset guest post amigo.
      Stay loving the sunset, Craig

  • TripsByLance

    Good stuff. A few of those Mexico shots helps get me excited for my first visit next month. The one place on the video I’d like to visit the most, though, is Cadillac Ranch. It’s just one of those random places that you really don’t have a reason to visit, but I think it’d be cool to see it.

    • craig zabransky

      First visit…. you will always remember your first… and when it comes to Mexico, it will never be your last… Plus, its west coast will not disappoint with the sunset, do not worry.

      As for Cadillac Ranch, I never new it existed until Maria Falvey mentioned it to me as a perfect destination for a sunset…. It too intrigues me.

      stay adventurous, Craig

  • Traveling Ted

    Thank you for the Sunset Sunday quarterly report. Great to see the impressive milestones and the mom theme for Mother’s Day. I cannot wait for the second quarter.

    • craig zabransky

      It is actually only a tri-annual, but it feels quarterly, I agree. Expect the next one in September. Stay adventurous, Craig

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