Episode 16: Solo Travel Tips, Advice and Inspiration

Are you ready to travel to where you want, when you want and make all the decisions? Are you ready to experience the world and it’s citizens in a unique way and have it restore your faith in humanity? Are you ready to connect deeper and learn more about yourself?

If any of this excites you, then you are ready to go solo, to travel solo. Listen in for advice, tips, and inspiration is this month’s episode.

Episode 16 – The Art of Going Solo

In this episode we will explore the reasons for taking and making solo travel part of your travel bucket list. At a time when people focus on a list of destinations, I am suggesting making solo travel, the chance to go solo a MUST do.

Of course, I don’t do the episode solo as I interview four people in the travel space, people I not only respect, but also proud to call friends. You’ll hear from Christine Maxfield of CompassMag, Adam Rapp of Clothing Arts , Stephanie Schneiderman of Tia Stephanie Tours and Jessie Cayabo from Media Kitty.

In addition, the episode will provide multiple travel tips on solo travel and include advice on what to expect when going solo. As always, I’ll leave you with a travel souvenir in the Staying Adventurous Mindset Moment.

New York Times Travel Show Going Solo Panel

NY Times Travel Show panel on Going Solo, Solo Travel

Speaking the Audience in New York

Most of the interviews in this podcast were performed earlier in the year at the 2016 New York Times Travel Show where I was a speaker on the Going Solo Travel Panel.  Hear much of the inspiration we provided to the live audience when you listen to the live podcast and learn how solo travel is a gateway to major, positive, life change.

Staying Adventurous Show Notes:

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