Traveling Through Wine; Staying Adventurous Ep43

One of the many ways mentioned in last month’s Staying Adventurous Podcast, Traveling in the Pandemic, was the way to travel through wine. This month, I decided to explore this further with an entire podcast dedicated to the ways to travel through wine in lockdown and beyond. Eventually, the travel bans will be lifted, confidence restored and we will go out and travel, but until then let’s wine a little.

Inside episode 43, we will revisit two wineries from earlier podcasts to set the mood (as wine often does) and listen to two new interviews.  Up first is Tom Smith, a sommelier from M.E.A.T. Eatery and Tap Room in Islamorada to detail recent virtual wine tastings as ways to travel through wine as we explore new wines as well as offer recommendations. Next up I will interview another wine enthusiast Diane Letulle,  atravel blogger with a WSET Level 3 with Distinction, who will detail regions to drink from and eventually travel to again once the world opens up.  Also,  we will have the staying adventurous mindset moment and top 3 travel (thru wine) tips. So open up a bottle of wine, pour a glass and get ready to travel through wine.


Staying Adventurous Podcast Shownotes

Staying Adventurous Stories


SIP, Sip in Place wine tasting hosted by Sommlier Tom Smith of MEAT Eatery and Tap Room in Islamorada Florida Keys

Preparing to Sip In Place and travel through Argentina with some Malbec

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