Top 5 Reasons People are Relocating to Mexico

Is it believable that Americans are relocating to Mexico despite living in a developed country? But this is true. Of 31 million tourists Mexico received in 2021, seventy percent were Americans. They are also the largest group of immigrants in Mexico, around 1.5 million. The numbers may be surprising for some, but it is happening.

Belle Artes in the heart of Mexico City, mexico

Explore the arts in Mexico City

The real question is why so many people prefer Mexico over the US?

Mexico offers many reasons and advantages and many Americans want to take advantage and that’s why they are moving to Mexico from USA with SDC, to live a life that seems like living their life to the fullest.

Here are a five main reasons why Americans are relocating to Mexico:

Ideal Climate

Tuna Tuna Tours to Isla Espiritu Santo

Tuna Tuna Tours to Isla Espiritu Santo, Baja California Sur

Mexico has one of the best climates in the world. You can enjoy the taste of temperate, warm, and cooler temperatures year-round according to your taste and preference. The central highland area offers a temperate climate, but if you like warm coastal vibes, there are abundant choices near beaches. And for who want a chilly vibe, Mexico’s highland temperatures are always ready to welcome visitors and expatriates too.

So, Mexico’s climate never disappoints expats, and they can find a place with an environment of their own choice without struggle

Better Quality of Life

Once, the people used to dream of moving to metropolitan cities of developed countries – seeking to raise their standard of living. But now, things have dramatically changed The cost of living and maintaining life’s standards has become so difficult for people that they wish to retire in countries where they don’t have to sell their arms and legs to stretch life a bit further. That’s one of the reasons why people are moving to Mexico.

Retiring to places in Mexico, there isn’t the struggle to fulfill basic necessities such as food, homestead, and utilities. You also don’t have to live with the fear of rising taxes on houses, income, and daily use things. You can wake up in Mexico with peace the next morning because you know you have money to maintain a better quality of life.

Culture through Cuisine

a plate of tacos al pastor from tacos tumbras in Acapulco, Mexico

Tacos al Pastor – a Mexican Must – stay delicious.

Mexican cuisine is one of the most delicious foods in the world. Tacos and tortilla wraps are famous the world over and available for everyone, and are reasonably priced too. But Mexican cuisine is way more than tacos and tortillas, including a wide range of dishes that keep you hooked to the table until you taste the last dish on the table. The pleasure of Mexican food increases manifold when you find a local street restaurant and experience the culture through the cuisine.

Healthcare is Affordable

Nobody likes to fall ill, but sometimes it happens to even those of the healthiest folks. On top of that, it hurts when you have to pay a hefty amount under the healthcare belt. But in some countries, healthcare is so expensive that it has become a luxury that is not affordable for all. But fortunately, Mexico is not part of those countries.

Medications, regular checkups, and special treatment are cheaper. Surprisingly, residential care in Mexico costs around $500-$1500, which feels like nothing compared to the US, which is US$5,000-$6000. Mexico is a clear winner here, and it is understandable why people are falling for Mexico.

 It is Safe


Celebrate the Day of the Dead – Visit Oaxaca

Mexico is a relatively safe place to live. If you are surprised after reading this line, it means the mainstream media’s propaganda has already hijacked your perception. So, just forget what you have heard or read about Mexico through the media. In reality, Mexico neither has to listen to the news of gun target killing every day nor do they step out of their homes with a fear of becoming victims of an unknown bullet.

Drug cartels do exist, but often stay clear of normal life in many locations. It is not as the media has portrayed. Tourists or foreign residents can live here fearlessly until they deliberately get involved in the drug trade.


The relocation of Americans to Mexico proves that people don’t prefer living in a super-developed country if it can’t fulfill their basic needs. People want to live without getting crushed in the grinder of inflation and pile of taxes. That’s why Mexico is a preferred option for Americans to live. So, if you are thinking of making Mexico your next home, go ahead. It might be the best decision you make today.

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  • one earth

    It was a great article, thanks for sharing!